The Gardens are a not-for-profit organisation, and do not receive any recurrent Government funding. As such, the Gardens have a paid-membership option, which goes towards the following costs: annual incorporation fees, financial audits, stationary, promotion, and maintenance of the Gardens.
Garden Memberships & Fees
- Garden Plot-Holder – $50.00
- Ordinary Member (Individual) – $10.00
- Ordinary Member (Couple) – $15.00
- Ordinary Member (Family) – $20.00
- School/Child-Care Centre – $10.00
- Association/Club – $10.00
To continue receiving all of the benefits of being a Garden-Member, membership-fees and form are renewed each year.
Garden-Membership Benefits
In joining the Gardens, members receive the following benefits:
- The ability to produce fruit, vegetables, herbs, and flowers for their own consumption
- Enjoying a healthy, outdoor environment
- Working and socialising with other people of similar values and interests of community and sustainability
- Taking pride in building and growing towards a communal project
- Receiving regular email updates
- Being entitled to join and vote at the Monthly Ordinary Meetings on the third Tuesday of each month.
Monthly Ordinary Meetings & AGM
Monthly Ordinary Meetings are an opportunity for Garden-Members to discuss and vote-on on a range of projects, events, and other matters effecting the running of the Gardens. Meetings are open to everyone to attend and participate in, but only people who have joined and paid the membership-fee are eligible to vote on Garden matters.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 4:30PM-6:00PM at the Gardens’ central gathering area. The dates for upcoming meetings are as follows:
- 17 January 2023
- 21 February 2023
- 21 March 2023
- 25th April 2023 – AGM & Meeting (4th Tuesday of April)
- 16 May 2023
- 20 June 2023
- 18 July 2023
- 15 August 2023
- 19 September 2023
- 17 October 2023
- 21 November 2023
- 19 December 2023
If you would like a copy of the Gardens’ meeting-minutes, please email us to request a copy.
How To Join
If you are interested in joining the Gardens as a paid-member, please read the Gardens’ ‘General Rules & Guidelines’ beforehand, then download and complete the Gardens’ ‘Membership Form’ below, and return it to the Gardens through one of the following methods:
- In-person on a GAP day (Get Active Program – Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) – hard-copies of the form also available
- Via posting to PO Box 421. Innisfail, QLD, 4860
- Via scanning and emailing to